Raffle – won by Cath - again! It's rigged!!
Steve Parrish
Opening thought:
“A blessing for our food and friendship”
Parting thought:
Steve gave a quick overview of the research he’d done on AI and the different questions he’s asked the various AI tools, including a parting thought about Rotary's impact. These resulted in various answers with one being unable to respond. AI Gemini came up with the best one:
Power struggles divide us. Rotary builds bridges. Let's choose understanding over conflict.
P.S. maybe AI isn't so silly after all.
P.P.S. you can't all just use this every week.
P.P.P.S. AI means artificial intelligence
Dinner –
Fish pie, broccoli and corn, beetroot and green salad
Followed by blackberry and peach cobbler with custard
President Ross
Congratulated Shirley and the team who supported her with RYLA. What an achievement she has delivered for our club, giving the District an outstanding benchmark for the running of RYLA over the last 3 years. Very warm applause for Shirley.
See Shirley's summary below.
Thank you to Mal Bird, whom Ross described as an outstanding fundraiser. In this last week Mal raised $4,000 for the Kāpiti Foodbank, which was getting very low on food.
Thank you to Ken Shilling who has picked up the Yellow Pages and is now back on track with the deliveries.
Ken Shilling - Yellow Pages
There had been a lack of information provided by Yellow Pages from Australia.
The headquarters has been moved to Ken’s – 22 Pinewood Grove, Paraparaumu. Thanks to the 13 members who moved all the Yellow Pages from Al’s to Ken’s garage(s).
There is now an opt-out sheet you can follow so you clearly know who not to deliver to. During the week the deliveries can be done anytime between 8am-8pm.
This weekend the deliveries start from 9am each day with a morning and afternoon shift.
Update: WHAT A WEEKEND!!! You are all stars. Fun fact, we are all made of stardust (Editor's husband's note: don't let Steph write the Bulletin on pain meds again).
The updates came thick and fast all through a weekend that began promisingly and ended with the sun splitting the stones. It started with an urgent appeal for walkers on Saturday morning.
Excitements ranged from a quick call for Muzza Bell to attend for a few hours (4.5) on Saturday afternoon to poor Kay Matheson badly hurting her ankle on Sunday and team Sue, Linda and John stepping up. Steph offered Kay a broad array of pain meds (Legal: it was a joke). Dugald responded that, being a retired school teacher, Kay was self-medicating with sauvignon blanc (Legal: also a joke), Get well soon, Kay.
Teams toiled all day both days and knocked off over half the mountain of books. 600 books in a shift were delivered by team Gazza, Mike and Muzza (the latter mistaken for Kevin Stratton, which happens more often than you would think). BUT, not to be outdone (no way, no how) team Sue, Linda and John did 800 books on Sunday!!! A double shift in 26 degree blinding sunshine, so well done those folks.
This arvo Ken advised:
Kevin and Shirley have completed 4 Zones by themselves this morning. Picture shows the evidence. 6 zones now completed.
With effort, including week day deliveries we can do a Sir Edmond Hillary by next Sunday night and Knock the ......
Fabulous effort, everyone. Please remember sunhats, sunscreen and plenty of water now summer has finally arrived on the coast.
Wood for Good
Ross reminded on behalf of Doug about Wood for Good starting on 15/2/25 at Ratanui Road. Shifts will be 9am-noon and 1pm-4pm. The roster will come round.
Waitangi Day – BBQ at Ross’s
President’s BBQ – As there’s no meeting on Waitangi Day there will be a BBQ at Ross and Donna’s. From 12pm at 19 Petrel Close, Paraparaumu. Ross will provide the meat. RSVP to the email that’s coming out and bring along a side or dessert. For partners and members too.
Ian has a book called Mana Tangata which he is happy to loan out to members which gives an informative background to Rotary in the Pacific.
Bottles for Good
Ross on behalf of Malcolm reminded everybody about the bottle auction. Bring along a bottle for our final fundraiser for Life Education Trust. On 20/2 we will have a BBQ at the meeting rooms with the auction.
Golf Match – 15/03/25
Vic is organizing a golf afternoon at Waikanae Golf Club, from 2pm. More details will follow but it’s intended to be a social get together open to all, including observers and supporters.
Ken Milne - Almoner