Club Meeting
1 February 2024
President Vic Hewson
Shirley Stratton
Mike Redman
Hosted by President Vic
Guests: Dr Marie Bismark (speaker), Mika Thomas (Kāpiti College Selly Hyde Award recipient), Ruth Lacombe-Post (potential member), Bruce Morgan, Roz (Lobby's special guest).
Marilyn Stevens won the raffle.
The 2024/5 RI theme is The Magic of Rotary. President-elect Stephanie Urchick celebrates the magic of Rotary. She says members create that magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member of Rotary.
Tim Beere:
Opening thought
Tim encouraged us to give thanks for the excellent company of those present.
Parting Thought
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but it has to really want to change.
President Vic
The bowls night is next Thursday 8 February at 5.30pm at Waikanae Bowling Club. It will be a lot of fun. Please come along. If you are not coming please unregister yourself tonight, for the bowls club's information.
The BBQ on Waitangi Day (Tuesday 6th) is at Vic and Maryann's. Please text Vic tonight if you still want to come and haven't RSVP'ed.
Sponsors night will be 22 February. Principal sponsors and representatives from organisations that benefit from our fundraising will be present. It makes a real difference for sponsors to hear direct from the recipient organisations about the difference their support makes.
Ken Milne
Almoner's update: Shirley Barrell is doing really well. She is lucky to have a great family around her.

Bottle Auction 15 February

This is a partners and friends event - please register any guests ahead of time. Proceeds support Life Education, a great cause.
Please donate a bottle or 2, either as a mystery (wrapped) or if a special and/or expensive donation, unwrapped with some information about it so a suitable reserve can be set. No more novelty items please. Bring along this Thursday or on the night.
RYLA was a huge success - the write up was sent out last week. The Kāpiti Rotary RYLA team of Shirley, Rod, Josie, Ross, Rob, Paul, Anthony and Marilyn were presented with certificates of appreciation from District 9940. Shirley expressed her thanks to the whole club for all the support with baking and other assistance. Planning is already underway for next year.
Thanks from rangatahi we have recently sponsored
A thank you email received from Angus Mackay who we sponsored to attend RYLA:
Kia Ora
Just wanted to say a huge thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend RYLA! 
I came into it not expecting to get as much out of it as I did and it is truly one of those experiences that will stick with me. The amount of enjoyment, learning, and friendships I got out of the programme went way beyond any expectations and none of it would've happened without the Kapiti Rotary so again a massive thank you. 
Kind regards,
An excerpt from a thank you email received from Fletcher Martin who attended the Science and Technology Forum:
I would like to start this report by taking a moment to express my immense gratitude for allowing me to be part of such a large and wondrous experience as the Forum. The Forum was an incredible opportunity that I will hold very dearly for a long time. Coming into it my main personal goal was to explore alternative fields of science to find a possible specialty for further study. The numerous academic modules throughout the forum allowed me to dip my toes into the water of various fields of science and technology, some of which I had never encountered before.
The Forum was an experience, to say the least. It was busy and insane and overwhelming and tiring and everything else all at once. But I would not change it for anything. The Rotary National Science and Technology Forum was truly the most wonderful experience that I have ever had and I am beyond grateful that you allowed me to attend it. Thank you more than I can attempt to express, and I hope that this retrospective was able to express some of the wonders of the Forum.
Yours gratefully.
Fletcher Martin
We have invited both Angus and Fletcher to attend a meeting to speak about their experiences.
The international fishing competition event (fundraiser for Mary Potter Hospice) will be held at Kāpiti Landing on 24 and 25 February. 6 people are required between 2.30 and 6pm each day for parking duties. Please let Paul know if you can help out.
Yellow Pages delivery is going extremely well. We hit the halfway mark last weekend, despite the weather last Saturday being... moist. Lots of people have volunteered for the 2nd weekend coming up.
Update: As some famous person once said: We knocked the bastard off! Saturday was forecast to be wet and a bit wild, after the tempest that hit Kāpiti hard late on Friday afternoon. But Saturday dawned clear! A flurry of phone calls later, and we were back in business. Sunday was a lovely sunny morning and we have now completed the whole lot, a week ahead of expectations. This was a heroic effort, thanks to everyone from Martin. $5,000 will go into the club's coffers.
Thank you so much to Martin, Bruce and Paul for the precision planning, Al for all his time and storage facilities and every member, partner and offspring who volunteered: driving, walking the beat and/or baking for smoko.
Mika Thomas from Kāpiti College was last year's delighted Selly Hyde Award recipient. She expressed her thanks for the assistance with her Victoria University studies.
Henry used his 5 minute slot to lead a singalong to a rollicking medley of old tunes. Young Mika was somewhat bemused as she didn't know any of the songs.
The crowd got right into the singalong
Speaker: Professor Marie Bismark
Steph introduced Marie. Professor Marie Bismark is a psychiatrist, public health physician, health lawyer, and company director. She divides her time between the beautiful Kāpiti Coast, New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia. In addition to her clinical work, Marie leads a research team at the University of Melbourne, focusing on the interface between patient safety and clinician wellbeing. She serves as a Director of several health sector organisations including the Royal Women’s Hospital and Summerset aged care. Her research has influenced regulatory policy in Australia and internationally. Marie completed a Harkness Fellowship at Harvard has been named as one of the Australian Financial Review’s 100 Women of Influence. Marie and her husband Matt (whom she met over 25 years ago at a Rotary Science forum!) have three children.
Marie took the role in the Te Whatu Ora Kāpiti Mental Health Clinic (a publicly funded service) without reservation, thinking she would have the benefit of a supportive team. Sadly, after resignations, Marie was the sole adult psychiatrist in the service for too long. She staged a one woman strike in support of senior doctors in the health system. Marie was featured in national media which resulted in additional resourcing to boost security and fortunately, the appointment of additional colleagues.
Marie took us through a typical week in her professional life on the coast, which includes triage, firefighting i.e. providing urgent critical care, planning, advocating for patients' needs, relationship building to try to keep people from tipping over the edge, and improving the system.
The threshold for accessing services is high. The service can only handle 300 people, which leaves about 1,500 local people with serious mental health issues waiting for help. There is a critical shortage of mental health beds. Marie told us about the high number of elderly people in the region who are isolated and uncared for, which is distressing. Patients' social circumstances cause or add to a lot of the serious issues the team encounters. Treatment includes medication (which can be truly lifechanging) as well as therapy, getting people's basic needs met and increasing their community connection. Building trust with less unwell patients can gain their trust so they feel able to seek help sooner and perhaps avoid an acute phase.
Members asked a lot of thoughtful questions, including what could help the service. Marie said fitting out a safe, reassuring sensory room would really help to calm distressed clients. Te Whatu Ora does not fund this.
Marie gave a fascinating and sometimes confronting presentation about her work 
President Vic, Steph and Professor Marie Bismark
Marie's one woman strike action had a real impact
Waitangi Day commemorates the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Learn more here:



This week:
8 February Fun bowls night Waikanae Bowling Club start time 5.30pm - please bring along your bottles of wine for the following week's auction
Coming Up:
First Board meeting at the Ocean Rd Hall 7.30pm on 5 February
15 February Bottle Auction venue Kāpiti Boating Club - partners and friends welcome - please register them ahead of time
17 February firewood working bee at El Rancho - 2 shifts 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm. 9 people and some trailers will be required for each shift. Please phone or message Doug if you can help and haven't yet put your name down.
22 February Sponsors Night
29 February Life Education Trust
14 March Rotary Fun Golf