Guest Speakers Pete and Sharon Crean
  The Rotary Club of Kapiti was recently addressed by two outstanding New Zealanders who are involved in a variety of charity projects, particularly in East Africa. Their main Charity is known as “Beyond Water”.

Both Pete and Sharon were horrified to learn and witness how the peoples of East Africa were compelled to drink and wash with contaminated water which contained dangerously high contamination elements. This situation led to widespread tropical diseases, and consequent death-rates being amongst the highest in the world.
Allied with this need to somehow devise methods of purification of water to millions of people, was the need to provide clean and proper facilities for children to attend school with good and proper sanitation, including safe drinking water and medical attention for the students. The Creans were horrified with the standards of improper toilets and  safe washing facilities, including lack of sanitary items.
Resulting from the hard work commenced by the Creans in 2007, they have improved the lives of over 100,000 people in East Africa.  Pete, oversees a community development program, and ensures that any money raised for this project is properly managed and directed towards the provision of as many water-based  harvesting and irrigation projects as they can accommodate. Pete and Sharon together visit as many Rotary Clubs and other supporting organizations as possible  to give thanks for their support, and to demonstrate the effectiveness that they have been enabled to bring about in their quest of bringing pure water to as many people as possible.