We are Rotarians because we believe in and practice Service Above Self, guided by the following principles
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Sound like you? Would you like to serve your community?
President Ross Jordan

I am fortunate to be a President of a Rotary Club that is flying full sail. 2024 has been a great year for Kapiti Rotary with a huge increase in membership and activity for our club.
For many people and businesses in our community, 2024 has been a tough year. What has been humbling for our Rotary Club is that despite all these difficulties our community has continued to be generous in support of our efforts to help and serve individuals and groups that need help.
Through tough times the business community showed faith in us by continuing to support our various fundraisers and projects so that we can continue supporting the Life Flight Trust, Kapiti’s Junior Golf, Wellington Children's Hospital, Life Education Trust, and establish a really cool col lab with Kapiti Primary School and KCDC to help young students learn STEM.
We have been able to send a number of Kapiti’s youth to Outward Bound, Spirit of Adventure, leadership and science programmes. Our Rotary Youth Leadership programme has been a great success for youth in the lower half of the North Island experience and gain skills in leadership.
Through tough times the business community showed faith in us by continuing to support our various fundraisers and projects so that we can continue supporting the Life Flight Trust, Kapiti’s Junior Golf, Wellington Children's Hospital, Life Education Trust, and establish a really cool col lab with Kapiti Primary School and KCDC to help young students learn STEM.
We have been able to send a number of Kapiti’s youth to Outward Bound, Spirit of Adventure, leadership and science programmes. Our Rotary Youth Leadership programme has been a great success for youth in the lower half of the North Island experience and gain skills in leadership.
Members supported Kapiti Foodbank in the collection of over 420 boxes; cooked two evening meals at Ronald McDonald House; and helped establish a Wood for Good project to help families that are struggling to keep their houses warm, as well as helping other associations raise funds with this excellent programme.
And we continue to support Rotary International in its quest to eradicate polio (only a few cases remaining worldwide) and with its various other causes to help others less fortunate than ourselves, -such as Promoting Peace, Fighting Disease, Supporting Education, Providing Clean Water, Saving Mothers and Children, Growing Local Economies, Protecting the Environment and Disaster Response.
We are excited about 2024-2025 as we continue with these initiatives and take on a number of additional projects already in the pipeline, enjoy the camaraderie of our recently new and existing members at our fun evenings with great food, interesting speakers and entertaining activities. For example, we’re looking forward to the Robbie Burns evening to celebrate St Andrews Day in November.
Aside from our meetings and working on projects together, members have enjoyed weekends away in motorhomes, cycling, wine tasting.
No wonder we continue to increase our eclectic membership who share the value of serving and making a difference in our community.
We are a group of people that do stuff and make things happen.
We all have a choice – we can watch and worry, or we can get involved and make a difference.
Kapiti Rotary is making a difference, and we welcome new members who can share in our values of community service and in the things, we think, say or do.
If making a difference through Rotary is something you’d like to explore please phone me at 027 635 8985, or Jim Dryburgh, 021 917 594.
My very best wishes to you all for a happy and healthy 2024-2025 as we all face challenges to humanity of climate, conflict, inequality and self-interest.
Let us share in hope by giving and being kind to one another.
Let us share in the Magic of Rotary.
Kapiti Rotary is renowned for its vibrancy and community service
New members are most welcome.
Pop along to one of our Thursday meetings 6 pm
Community Centre, Ocean Road, Paraparaumu
The fellowship and food is marvellous
Does a speaker interest you?
We frequently have interesting and entertaining speakers
You don't have to be member
Come along as our guest
A Rotarian visitor to Kapiti?
You're most welcome to enjoy our warm Kapiti hospitality
Come along to any of our meetings at the Community Centre, Ocean Road, Paraparaumu, or contact us
Kapiti Rotary in great heart

Kapiti Rotary is renowned for its diverse, dynamic and growing membership (72 members), great fellowship, interesting speakers and awesome meal at fun meetings, interest groups and leisure activities, and is a significant contributor and enabler to the Kapiti community through its many causes and projects. Interested in joining us? Contact Jim Dryburgh

Wood for Good
Members love getting involved in our projects

With all sale proceeds back to the Kapiti Community, plus some donations to those in need

Time for a delicious smoko

Fish for Good

We teamed up with Lions to donate 1 tone of fish to Wairoa

Helping those in need
Protecting the Environment

Rotary shares an interest in protecting our common legacy: the environment.
We are committed to supporting activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance ecological sustainability, and foster harmony between communities and the environment. We empower communities to access grants and other resources, embrace local solutions, and spur innovation in an effort to address the causes and reduce the effects of climate change and environmental degradation.
How Rotary helps protect the planet
- Protecting and restoring land, coastal, marine, and freshwater resources
- Enhancing the capacity of communities to support natural resource management and conservation
- Supporting sustainable agriculture, fishing, and aquaculture practices
- Addressing the cause of climate change by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases
- Strengthening ecosystems and communities affected by climate change
- Supporting education initiatives that promote behavior that protects the environment
- Advocating for sustainable consumption to build an economy that uses resources more efficiently
- Addressing environmental justice issues and public health concerns